Good companion for top management : Nokia E90 , Iphone or blackberry?

After final testing on the suitable mobile candidate for my Top Management, I try to give the best solution comparing to their task and job responsibility. Between these three device, I might say Iphone is the best to be not with the top management. Iphone is the Mobile music player, while for the top management, they are looking for the good digital secretary, and not only the funky entertainment for them. Good secretary means, the mobile will easily assist the top management to manage all the info/files/data in one mini/super small cabinet, inside the mobile. The assistant should also be able to perform multiple task such as reading email (as fast as possible), sending data, sharing info between others , and the most important is that the mobile assistant should be a very user friendly user interface as the Top Management always fight with time.
talk about Nokia E90 and blackberry Bold 9000, both are having great ability to assist top management on more areas. The problem with Nokia E90 is about its design, bulky block phone. It is good to show off but for those top managements who are really looking for easy to carry, light , useful and heavy usage mobile, you might consider to look into blackberry. It compromise most of the needs from top management. Together with push mail feature and a very outstanding battery life.Furthermore it will take less then a few seconds to reply a quick text. and you will never out of contact.. But if you hate to use small keyboard and no problem with junk and bulky phone, then you can consider Nokia E90 to use.

I don`t wanna bring along HTC Touch HD, Samsung 8800 or i7110 or even Gi mobile since their target market are not for top management usage and most of their feature really kill top management if they use them.
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