BMW special edition

It has been re-known that Germany`s car has their own style, prestige. By having chance to do a test drive on the new BMW release, BMW 325i convertible, has the most great experience in my life. This new BMW series is actually a new "face" from the previous sedan model. The great about this car is its roof can be open automatically just within 20 second. Nonetheless, the roof can only be opened just after we stop the car, for the security purposes. The transformation process is afraid to disturb the car rear side in addition to follow the European standard for the convertibles models.
The BMW 325i convertible is powered by 2.5 Liter 6 cylinder 4WD, which very powerful until you will speed to the maximum if you have any chance. Moreover, Steptronic Automatic transmission system with 6 speed with the option for manual mode like an F1 model will make your driving more joy.
Not only that, BWM 325i convertible also engineered with i-Drive technology, which you can control you audio system, navigation system, and telephone system just within one press button.
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